据 " 女孩团结 " 组织称,去年有8 200万女孩和6 900万男孩面临性暴力。 82 million girls and 69 million boys faced sexual violence in the past year, according to Together for Girls.
女童共报告,去年有8 200万女童和6 900万男童面临性暴力,相当于每秒有3名女童和2名男童遭受性暴力。 Together for Girls reported that 82 million girls and 69 million boys faced sexual violence in the past year, equating to three girls and two boys every second. 这些数据涉及193个国家和24亿青年,是与包括卫生组织在内的各种组织共同收集的。 This data, covering 193 countries and 2.4 billion youth, was gathered with various organizations, including the WHO. 为了解决这个问题,他们发起了“打破记录”运动,以衡量和解决儿童性暴力问题,其中出版了一本书,其中包括新的全球估计,并强调了此类暴力对儿童福祉的严重影响。 To combat this issue, they launched the 'Break the Record' campaign to measure and address childhood sexual violence, featuring a book that includes new global estimates and highlights the severe impacts of such violence on children's well-being.