俄罗斯否决了联合国安全理事会结束苏丹冲突的决议,阻挠停火和援助。 Russia vetoed a UN Security Council resolution to end Sudan's conflict, blocking a ceasefire and aid.
俄罗斯否决了联合国安全理事会旨在结束苏丹敌对行动的决议。 在苏丹,两名对立的将军之间的冲突使1 100多万人流离失所,并造成数万人死亡。 Russia vetoed a UN Security Council resolution aimed at ending hostilities in Sudan, where a conflict between two rival generals has displaced over 11 million people and caused tens of thousands of deaths. 该决议由联合王国和塞拉利昂提出,呼吁停火和谈判,以达成全国停火。 The resolution, proposed by the UK and Sierra Leone, called for a ceasefire and talks for a national truce. 尽管得到安理会所有其他成员的支持,俄罗斯的否决权阻碍了该决议的通过,使数百万人需要人道主义援助而得不到紧急救济。 Despite support from all other council members, Russia's veto blocked the resolution, leaving millions in need of humanitarian aid without immediate relief.