俄罗斯不在日内瓦参加联合国安全理事会会议,然后对乌克兰发动无人机和导弹攻击。 Russia skipped UN Security Council meeting in Geneva, then launched a drone and missile attack on Ukraine.
俄罗斯缺席了瑞士在日内瓦主办的联合国安全理事会会议,该会议旨在重申对国际人道主义法的承诺,纪念日内瓦四公约75周年。 Russia skipped the UN Security Council meeting in Geneva hosted by Switzerland, which aimed to reaffirm commitment to international humanitarian law and mark the 75th anniversary of the Geneva Conventions. 尽管会议召开,俄罗斯还是对乌克兰发动了无人机和导弹攻击,至少造成5人死亡,并以能源设施为目标。 Despite the meeting, Russia launched a drone and missile attack on Ukraine, killing at least five people and targeting energy facilities. 瑞士外交部长卡西斯(Ignazio Cassis)呼吁更加尊重日内瓦四公约, 但俄罗斯驻纽约特使认为这次会议是“浪费时间”。 Swiss Foreign Minister Ignazio Cassis called for greater respect for the Geneva Conventions, but Russia's envoy in New York dismissed the meeting as a "waste of time."