印度最高法院命令撤销对律师的负面言论,维护发表意见的权利。 Supreme Court of India orders removal of negative remarks against an advocate, upholding the right to be heard.
印度最高法院已下令取消Uttakhand高等法院一名法官对一名律师的负面言论,强调不听取任何人的陈述不得予以谴责的原则。 The Supreme Court of India has ordered the removal of negative remarks made by a Uttarakhand High Court judge against an advocate, emphasizing the principle that no one can be condemned without being heard. 法院还停止了针对律师的不当行为诉讼,但没有给他答复的机会。 The court also stopped misconduct proceedings against the advocate without providing him a chance to respond. 这一决定强调了在法律诉讼中公平和自然公正的重要性。 This decision underscores the importance of fairness and natural justice in legal proceedings.