印度最高法院驳回了在挑选资深律师时任人唯亲的主张。 India's Supreme Court rejects claim of nepotism in selecting senior advocates.
印度最高法院驳回了律师Matthews J Nedumpara的请愿,该请愿质疑德里高等法院关于指定70名律师担任高级律师的决定。 The Supreme Court of India dismissed a petition by Advocate Mathews J Nedumpara challenging the Delhi High Court's decision to designate 70 lawyers as senior advocates. 请愿书指称存在任人唯亲和违反平等,但法院驳回了这些主张,强调不给予基于高级职位的优惠待遇。 The petition alleged nepotism and violations of equality, but the court rejected these claims, emphasizing that no preferential treatment is given based on senior status. 法院先前曾警告请愿人不要提出没有根据的指控。 The court had previously warned the petitioner against making unfounded accusations.