自艾滋病流行以来,爱尔兰的房租价格飙升了43%,都柏林的上涨率为5.2%。 Rent prices in Ireland have surged 43% since the pandemic, with Dublin seeing a 5.2% increase.
爱尔兰的房租价格自艾滋病流行前上升了43%,月平均租金现为1 955欧元。 Rent prices in Ireland have risen by 43% since before the pandemic, with the average monthly rent now at €1,955. 都柏林的租金增长了5.2%,而其他城市的租金则增长了19%。 Dublin's rents increased by 5.2%, while other cities saw increases of up to 19%. 可供出租的房屋数量减少了14%,仅超过2 400所。 The number of homes available to rent has fallen by 14% to just over 2,400. 经济专家罗南里昂(Ronan Lyons)表示新政府必须优先解决租房市场供货不足的问题, Economic expert Ronan Lyons says the new government must prioritize addressing the lack of supply in the rental market to improve conditions.