Huron-Wendat Nation以1760年条约权利为由,就风力项目缺乏咨询起诉魁北克省。 Huron-Wendat Nation sues Quebec over lack of consultation for wind projects, citing 1760 treaty rights.
魁北克市附近的Huron-Wendat部落指控省政府和魁北克水电公司没有就四个计划中的风能项目征求他们的意见。 The Huron-Wendat Nation near Quebec City has accused the provincial government and Hydro-Québec of failing to consult them about four planned wind projects. 该国根据一项1760年条约要求拥有广阔的领土,并于6月向法院提出申请,要求强制执行协商。 The nation claims a vast territory based on a 1760 treaty and filed a court application in June to enforce consultation. 纠纷凸显了魁北克土著人权利和能源开发的紧张关系。 The dispute highlights tensions over Indigenous rights and energy development in Quebec.