不列颠哥伦比亚省9.4bn PRGT输油管和Ksi Lisims LNG项目受到土著群体的反对、路线改变和环境关切。 British Columbia's $9.4bn PRGT pipeline and Ksi Lisims LNG project face opposition from Indigenous groups, route changes, and environmental concerns.
不列颠哥伦比亚省9.4bn PRGT输油管和Ksi Lisims LNG项目面临与14.5bn沿海气相连接输油管相似的潜在障碍。 British Columbia's $9.4bn PRGT pipeline and Ksi Lisims LNG project face potential obstacles similar to the $14.5bn Coastal GasLink pipeline. 这些项目预计将每年生产1 200万吨液化天然气,面临路线变化、法律挑战以及潜在的环境和土著活动。 The projects, expected to produce 12 million tonnes of liquefied natural gas annually, face route changes, legal challenges, and potential environmental and Indigenous activism. 虽然Nisga'a第一民族是管道中的平等伙伴,但无法保证其他第一民族的反对。 While the Nisga'a First Nation is an equal partner in the pipeline, opposition from other First Nations cannot be guaranteed. PLGT管道的最初路线与Gitanyow民族发生冲突,后者对项目跨越其领土并影响土著主权表示关切。 The original route for the PRGT pipeline conflicted with the Gitanyow Nation, who have expressed concerns about the project crossing their territories and affecting Indigenous sovereignty. 尽管一些第一民族社区看到沿海天然气链项目带来经济利益,但PLGT项目仍面临挑战,包括土著团体的反对、路线变化和环境关切。 Despite some First Nations communities seeing economic benefits from the Coastal GasLink project, challenges lie ahead for the PRGT project, including opposition from Indigenous groups, route changes, and environmental concerns.