Emmineskin Cree Nation重新提起诉讼, 声称C-61号法案剥夺了享有清洁饮水的人权。 Ermineskin Cree Nation revives lawsuit claiming Bill C-61 denies human right to clean water.
阿尔伯塔省的 Ermineskin Cree Nation 恢复了对加拿大政府长达十年的诉讼,声称其拟议的 C-61 法案未能承认他们获得清洁饮用水的人权。 The Ermineskin Cree Nation in Alberta has revived a decade-old lawsuit against the Canadian government, claiming its proposed Bill C-61 fails to recognize their human right to clean drinking water. 第一民族认为,立法没有明确保障安全饮水,没有将他们的权利与其他加拿大人的权利等同起来。 The First Nation argues that the legislation lacks explicit guarantees for safe water and does not equate their rights with those of other Canadians. 几乎75%的家庭面临严重的水资源咨询, 突出了紧急的水处理问题. Nearly 75% of their homes have faced serious water advisories, highlighting urgent water treatment issues.