八国要求联邦审查一个16.5B碳捕获项目,并列举了环境风险。 Eight First Nations demand federal review of a $16.5B carbon capture project, citing environmental risks.
艾伯塔省8个第一民族呼吁根据《影响评估法》,对途径联盟165亿美元的碳捕获和储存项目进行联邦审查。 Eight First Nations in Alberta are calling for a federal review of the Pathways Alliance's $16.5 billion carbon capture and storage project under the Impact Assessment Act. 他们认为,主要油砂公司提出的项目可能对他们的土地和领土产生重大的环境和健康影响。 They argue that the project, proposed by major oil sands companies, could have significant environmental and health impacts on their lands and territories. 艾伯塔省政府正在法院对联邦法案的合宪性提出异议。 The Alberta government is in court challenging the federal act's constitutionality.