在悉尼的科莫,一条水管破裂,造成洪水、房屋损坏和疏散。 A water pipeline burst in Como, Sydney, causing flooding, home damage, and evacuations.
星期五在悉尼科莫发生水管爆裂,导致洪水泛滥和房屋受损。 A water pipeline burst in Como, Sydney, on Friday, leading to significant flooding and damage to homes. 与Woronora大坝相连的1.5米宽的管道在该地区造成疏散和大面积水损坏。 The 1.5-meter-wide pipe, connected to Woronora Dam, caused evacuations and extensive water damage in the area. 紧急服务已经部署,悉尼水上工作人员正在修理。 Emergency services were deployed, and Sydney Water crews are working on repairs. 由于严重损坏,有些居民必须找到其他住所,而另一些居民则受到轻微影响。 Some residents must find alternative accommodation due to severe damage, while others experienced minor impacts. 客户倡导者正在协助受影响的人。 Customer advocates are assisting those affected.