2024年工作场所健康调查显示,工人对工作满意程度很高,但持续感到财政忧虑。 The 2024 Workplace Wellness Survey reveals high job satisfaction but ongoing financial worries among workers.
雇员福利研究所和Greenwald研究所进行的2024年工作场所福利调查显示,对总体福利的关切正在减少,但突出显示了工人持续的财政担忧。 The 2024 Workplace Wellness Survey by the Employee Benefit Research Institute and Greenwald Research shows decreasing concerns about overall well-being but highlights ongoing financial worries among workers. 半数受调查者对金融福利表示中度或重大关切,75%认为其债务有问题。 Half of those surveyed express moderate to significant concern about financial well-being, with 75% viewing their debt as problematic. 工作满意度仍然相对较高,56%的人对工作感到满意。 Job satisfaction remains relatively high, with 56% satisfied with their jobs. 许多工人在工作中使用人工智能工具也感到舒适。 Many workers are also comfortable using AI tools at work.