随着11年来高失业率和最低雇员参与率高企,美国工作场所的挑战激增。 U.S. workplace challenges surge with high unemployment claims and lowest employee engagement in 11 years.
最近一份盖洛普报告揭示了工作场所面临的重大挑战,失业率高达三年之久,美国雇员的聘用率高达11年之久。 A recent Gallup report reveals significant workplace challenges, with unemployment claims at a three-year high and U.S. employee engagement hitting an 11-year low. 雇员满意度也恢复到历史最低水平,寻求新就业机会的工人比2015年以来任何时候都多。 Employee satisfaction has also returned to a record low, and more workers are seeking new job opportunities than at any time since 2015. 尽管存在这些问题,但辞职率没有上升,这表明尽管感到与外界隔绝,但工人仍然留在工作岗位上。 Despite these issues, quitting rates have not increased, indicating that workers are staying in their jobs despite feeling disconnected. 报告强调,雇主需要解决雇员满意度和聘用问题。 The report highlights the need for employers to address employee satisfaction and engagement.