大型雇主预计明年保健费用将增加8%,并计划重点关注优质提供者和心理健康服务。 Large employers expect an 8% rise in healthcare costs next year, planning to focus on high-quality providers and mental health access.
大型雇主预计明年保健费用将增加8%, Large employers anticipate an 8% rise in healthcare costs next year, the highest in a decade, according to the Business Group on Health. 为了解决这一问题,他们计划对雇员护理采取更选择性的做法,强调通过特许网络提供高质量的服务。 To address this, they plan to be more selective about employee care, emphasizing high-quality providers through curated networks. 增强获得心理健康的机会是一个优先事项,因其在生产力方面的作用而得到承认。 Enhanced mental health access is a priority, recognized for its role in productivity. 此外,雇主将管理昂贵的减重药品的使用,确保除改变生活方式方案外,适当配方。 Additionally, employers will manage the use of costly weight loss medications, ensuring they are prescribed appropriately alongside lifestyle modification programs.