印度制造业公司改善雇员的福利,顶级公司的工作满意度很高。 Indian manufacturing firms improve employee well-being, with top companies seeing high job satisfaction.
新报告显示,印度制造业正在改善雇员的福利,目前87%的雇员对最佳工作场所持积极看法。 A new report shows India's manufacturing sector is improving employee well-being, with the best workplaces now viewed positively by 87% of employees. 阿波罗轮胎公司和印度塔塔钢铁公司等公司在技术创新的同时,也以心理安全和雇员增长为重点,正在走前列。 Companies like Apollo Tyres and Tata Steel India are leading the way by focusing on psychological safety and employee growth, alongside technological innovation. 顶层工作场所的雇员在健康环境中停留的可能性要高2.7倍。 Employees in the top workplaces are 2.7 times more likely to stay in healthy environments.