欧元区通胀率在10月达到2%,达到了欧洲央行的目标;核心通胀率保持在2.7%。 Eurozone inflation reached 2% in October, meeting the ECB's target; core inflation remained at 2.7%.
欧元区的通货膨胀率在10月份上升到2%,超过预期,并符合欧洲中央银行的目标。 Eurozone inflation increased to 2% in October, surpassing expectations and aligning with the European Central Bank's (ECB) target. 由食品成本上涨驱动的这一上升可能会影响欧洲央行在12月实施更小的削减利率。 This rise, driven by higher food costs, may influence the ECB to implement a smaller rate cut in December. 核心通货膨胀率稳定在2.7%,失业率保持在6.3%这一历史最低点。 Core inflation remained stable at 2.7%, while unemployment held at a record low of 6.3%. 尽管通货膨胀上升,欧洲央行预计将进一步降低利率,以支持经济增长。 Despite the inflation uptick, the ECB is expected to proceed with further rate reductions to support economic growth.