2025-26 联合王国建筑业预测,在劳动力危机、供应问题和政府计划放松管制的情况下,分别增长2.5%和3.8%。 2025-26 UK construction industry projected to grow 2.5% and 3.8% respectively, amid workforce crisis, supply issues, and government plans to ease regulations.
联合王国建筑业正经历一场“人口危机”,每年平均损失70 000名工人,学徒辍学率为40%。 The UK construction industry is experiencing a "demographic crisis," losing an average of 70,000 workers annually, with a 40% dropout rate among apprentices. 就业下降到208万,影响了政府的住房和基础设施目标。 Employment has fallen to 2.08 million, impacting government housing and infrastructure goals. 尽管面临挑战,建筑产品协会预测2025年增长2.5%,2026年增长3.8%,原因是私人住房需求改善,政府计划放宽监管,尽管供应问题依然存在。 Despite challenges, the Construction Products Association forecasts a 2.5% growth in 2025 and 3.8% in 2026, driven by improved private housing demand and government plans to ease regulations, although supply issues remain.