3 M 美国人因自然灾害(主要是飓风)而流离失所,弱势人口受到的影响格外严重。 3M Americans displaced by natural disasters, primarily hurricanes, with vulnerable populations disproportionately affected.
美国人口普查局的家庭脉搏调查显示,去年有300多万美国人,占成年人的1.4%,因自然灾害,主要是飓风而流离失所。 The U.S. Census Bureau's Household Pulse Survey indicates that over 3 million Americans, or 1.4% of adults, were displaced by natural disasters last year, primarily hurricanes. 弱势群体,包括低收入个人、残疾人和有色人种受到的影响格外严重。 Vulnerable populations, including low-income individuals, disabled people, and people of color, were disproportionately affected. 流离失所导致长期的心理健康问题,如焦虑和抑郁症,以及在获得基本必需品方面的挑战。 Displacement leads to long-term mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression, and challenges in accessing basic necessities. 调查呼吁采取有针对性的政策,帮助处境不利社区的恢复和公用事业。 The survey calls for targeted policies to aid recovery and restore utilities in disadvantaged communities.