东南部的无证家庭面临被驱逐出境的恐惧,在飓风海伦等灾难期间阻止了 FEMA 的援助。 Undocumented families in Southeast face deportation fears, blocking FEMA aid during disasters like Hurricane Helene.
东南部各州无证家庭在飓风海伦等气候相关灾害期间面临重大挑战, Undocumented families in southeastern states face significant challenges during climate-related disasters like Hurricane Helene, often staying in their homes during evacuations due to fear of deportation. 这些家庭无法获得FEMA的现金援助,只能依靠非现金紧急援助和当地非营利组织的支助。 Without access to FEMA's cash aid, these families rely on non-cash emergency aid and support from local nonprofits. 皮尤研究中心估计,近200万无证件者生活在这些州,他们无法获得州身份证,使他们在灾害期间获得基本服务的情况更加复杂。 The Pew Research Center estimates nearly 2 million undocumented people live in these states, where they cannot obtain state IDs, further complicating their access to essential services during disasters.