石油和天然气生产设施可通过电气化将排放量减少80%。 Oil and gas production facilities can reduce emissions by 80% via electrification.
Rystad能源报告显示,石油和天然气生产设施通过改用可再生能源或天然气的电力,可以将排放量减少80%以上。 A Rystad Energy report reveals that oil and gas production facilities can reduce emissions by over 80% by switching to electricity from renewables or natural gas. 在挪威,完全电气化的钻机排放86%,每桶二氧化碳减少86%。 In Norway, fully electrified rigs emit 86% less CO2 per barrel. 如果全球主要石油区域实现50%的减排,到2050年可以防止约0.025摄氏度的升温。 If major global oil regions achieve a 50% emissions cut, it could prevent about 0.025 degrees Celsius of warming by 2050. 部分电气化也是有效的,突出了该行业减少排放量的巨大潜力。 Partial electrification is also effective, highlighting significant potential for emissions reduction in the industry.