密西西比州85.7%的学校和93.9%的县在2023-24问责等级达到C级或以上,使A、B或C级的评分创历史最高。 85.7% of Mississippi schools and 93.9% of districts achieve a C or higher in 2023-24 accountability grades, setting a historic high for A, B, or C ratings.
密西西比教育部的2023-24问责等级显示,85.7%的学校和93.9%的区达到C级或以上,表明A、B或C级评分创历史最高。 The Mississippi Department of Education's 2023-24 accountability grades reveal that 85.7% of schools and 93.9% of districts achieved a grade of C or higher, marking a historic high for A, B, or C ratings. 自2016年将目标设定为62%以来,学生的熟练程度,特别是数学和英语的熟练程度取得了重大进展。 Since 2016, when the goal was set at 62%, significant progress has been made in student proficiency, particularly in math and English. 国家教育排名从全国第50位上升到第35位,这归功于学术标准和支助系统的提高。 The state’s education ranking improved from 50th to 35th nationally, attributed to enhanced academic standards and support systems.