亚拉巴马公立学校的州报卡略有改善,83人中得分达85人。 Alabama's public schools saw a slight improvement in their state report cards, with scores rising to 85 from 83.
亚拉巴马州公立学校的2023-24年国家成绩单略有改善,总得分从上一年的83分上升到85分。 Alabama's public schools saw a modest improvement in their 2023-24 state report cards, with the overall score rising to 85 from 83 the previous year. 毕业率提高至90.04%,长期旷课率下降至14.84%,但学业成绩和英语熟练程度仍然是令人关切的领域,分别得分63.8%和41.4%。 While graduation rates improved to 90.04% and chronic absenteeism decreased to 14.84%, academic achievement and English language proficiency remain areas of concern, scoring 63.8% and 41.4% respectively. 个别学校的成绩各有不同,奇尔顿县等一些地区的成绩显示,有5个百分点增加到82%。 Individual school performance varied, with some districts like Chilton County showing a five-point increase to 82%. 报告全文可在网上查阅。 The full report is available online.