密西西比州 75.7% 的三年级学生通过了今年三年级阅读评估的第一轮,比去年略有下降,但高于疫情前的水平。 75.7% of Mississippi's 3rd graders passed the first round of this year's third-grade reading assessment, a slight drop from last year but higher than pre-pandemic rates.
密西西比州 75.7% 的三年级学生通过了今年三年级阅读评估的第一轮,较去年的 76.3% 略有下降,但高于疫情前的 74.5% 的通过率。 75.7% of Mississippi's 3rd graders passed the first round of this year's third-grade reading assessment, a slight drop from last year's 76.3% but higher than the pre-pandemic pass rate of 74.5%. 《基于读写能力的促进法案》为未通过考试的学生提供最多两次通过考试的机会。 The Literacy-Based Promotion Act allows students who fail the test up to two more chances to pass. 近年来,最终通过率一般都在 85% 左右。 Final pass rates have typically been around 85% in recent years.