NAEP 揭示了大流行后各州的教育进展喜忧参半,公平问题仍然存在。 NAEP reveals mixed educational progress across states post-pandemic, with equity issues persisting.
国家教育进步评估 (NAEP) 显示各州的结果喜忧参半,马萨诸塞州等州在阅读和数学方面名列前茅,而弗吉尼亚州和华盛顿州等其他州自大流行以来几乎没有改善。 The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) shows mixed results across states, with some like Massachusetts ranking at the top in reading and math, while others like Virginia and Washington see little to no improvement since the pandemic. 获得大笔复苏资金的各州并未一致显示出显著收益,这引发了人们对这些投资有效性的质疑。 States receiving large sums of recovery funds have not uniformly shown significant gains, raising questions about the effectiveness of these investments. 尽管取得了一些进展,但公平问题仍然存在,经济上处于不利地位的学生往往得分较低。 Despite some progress, equity issues persist, with economically disadvantaged students often scoring lower. 各州正在实施各种策略来提高学习成绩和缩小成绩差距。 States are implementing various strategies to improve academic performance and close achievement gaps.