法国加强了对非洲猪瘟的边界监测,与当地猎人合作,并考虑设置栅栏以控制野猪的移动。 France enhances border surveillance for African swine fever, collaborating with local hunters and considering fences to control wild boar movement.
由于非洲猪瘟对欧洲野猪的影响, 法国正在加强其对与德国接壤的边境地区非洲猪瘟的监控。 France is enhancing its surveillance of African swine fever along its border with Germany due to the disease's impact on wild boar populations in Europe. 法国农业部宣布了各项措施,包括与当地猎人合作,并可能设置栅栏,以控制野猪运动。 The French agriculture ministry announced measures including collaboration with local hunters and potential fencing to control wild boar movement. 这些行动旨在减轻这一疾病对本区域农业和野生生物的影响。 These actions aim to mitigate the disease's effects on agriculture and wildlife in the region.