阿尔巴尼亚新增非洲猪瘟病例导致猪交易禁令和兽医监督。 New African swine fever cases in Albania lead to pig trading ban and veterinary oversight.
在阿尔巴尼亚的 Ishull-Lezhe 发现了新的非洲猪瘟病例。 New cases of African swine fever have been detected in Ishull-Lezhe, Albania. 该部埋葬了 15 头死猪,并将该地区置于兽医监督之下,禁止活猪交易。 The ministry buried 15 dead pigs and placed the area under veterinary supervision, banning live pig trading. 该站点以前是早期疫情监测区的一部分,该疫情在未发现新病例后于 12 月 16 日结束。 This site was previously part of a surveillance zone for an earlier outbreak that ended on December 16 after no new cases were found.