泄露的备忘录警告说, 如果非洲猪瘟因非法走私猪肉而进入英国, Leaked memo warns of devastating consequences if African swine fever enters UK due to illegal pork meat smuggling.
英国政府备忘录警告说, 若非洲猪发热(ASF)在担心非法猪肉走私后入境, 可能会带来“破坏性后果 ” 。 Leaked UK government memo warns of potential "devastating consequences" if African swine fever (ASF) enters the country, following concerns about illegal pork meat smuggling. 自2022年9月以来,截获了60吨此类肉类。 Since Sept 2022, 60 tonnes of such meat were intercepted. 对欧盟的食品和农产品进口实行新的卫生和植物检疫检查,以减轻ASF的风险,这种风险可能损害联合王国猪群和农业部门。 New sanitary and phytosanitary checks on EU food and agricultural imports were implemented to mitigate ASF risk, which could harm the UK's pig population and agriculture sector.