加拿大航空公司与雇员之间的谈判加强了在工资和工作条件方面接近合同期限的谈判。 Negotiations between Air Canada and employees intensify near contract deadline over pay and working conditions.
加拿大航空公司与其雇员之间的谈判正作为合同最后期限的临近而加紧进行。 Negotiations between Air Canada and its employees are intensifying as a contract deadline approaches. 工人对工资和工作条件表示关切,如果不尽快达成协议,可能会造成中断。 Workers are expressing concerns over pay and working conditions, which may lead to disruptions if an agreement is not reached soon. 这种情况反映了航空业更广泛的劳工问题,因为雇员在生活费用上涨的情况下寻求改善条件。 The situation reflects broader labor issues in the aviation industry as employees seek improved terms amid rising living costs.