在巴基斯坦卡拉奇,经济压力迫使更多的妇女(以前不是劳动力)加入其中,以获得经济独立。 In Karachi, Pakistan, economic pressures drive more women, previously not in the workforce, to join it for financial independence.
在巴基斯坦卡拉奇,经济压力迫使更多的妇女,包括28岁的Amina Sohail首次加入劳动力大军。 In Karachi, Pakistan, economic pressures are driving more women, including Amina Sohail, 28, to join the workforce for the first time. 面对严重的通货膨胀和生活费用上涨,家庭依赖妇女作为基本养家糊口者。 Facing severe inflation and rising living costs, families are relying on women as essential breadwinners. 虽然截至2021年,只有21%的妇女加入劳动大军,但这一趋势正在发生变化,因为妇女越来越多地寻求经济独立,并挑战要求家庭允许工作的传统规范。 While only 21% of women participated in the workforce as of 2021, this trend is shifting as women increasingly seek financial independence and challenge traditional norms requiring family permission to work.