巴基斯坦官方强调,必须制定政策促进俾路支省的妇女权利和发展。 Pakistani official stresses need for policies promoting women's rights and development in Balochistan.
巴基斯坦俾路支首席部长顾问Rubaba Khan Buledi博士强调,需要制定促进妇女权利和发展的全面政策。 Dr. Rubaba Khan Buledi, an Advisor to the Chief Minister of Balochistan, Pakistan, emphasized the need for comprehensive policies to promote women's rights and development. 她强调妇女参与社会、经济和政治部门对该省进步的关键作用。 She highlighted the crucial role of women's participation in social, economic, and political sectors for the province's progress. 在与世界卫生组织举办的讲习班上,Buledi强调了两性平等的重要性,并赞扬旨在促进俾路支省妇女发展的合作努力。 At a workshop with the World Health Organization, Buledi stressed the importance of gender equality and praised collaborative efforts aimed at advancing women's development in Balochistan.