美国第一例禽流感A(H5),没有已知的动物接触;密苏里居民已恢复。 1st U.S. case of avian influenza A (H5) without known animal contact; Missouri resident recovered.
密苏里居民经检测甲型(H5)禽流感呈阳性, A Missouri resident has tested positive for avian influenza A (H5), becoming the first U.S. case without known contact with infected animals. 8月22日住院治疗后,此人已康复。 Hospitalized on August 22, the individual has since recovered. 这是今年美国第14次报告的案件, 引起了对潜在未被发现的传播的担忧。 This case is the 14th reported in the U.S. this year, raising concerns about potential undetected transmission. 疾控中心认为,公众风险仍然较低,因为以前的所有案件都涉及动物接触。 The CDC maintains that the public risk remains low, as all prior cases involved animal exposure. 调查正在进行中. Investigations into the exposure are ongoing.