“疯牛病”的个别病例在苏格兰得到证实;对人类健康没有危险。 An isolated case of "mad cow disease" is confirmed in Scotland; no risk to human health.
在苏格兰的Dumfries和Galloway的一个农场上证实发生了非典型的Bovine海绵状脑病(BSE),即“疯牛病”。 A case of atypical Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), or "mad cow disease," has been confirmed on a farm in Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland. 当局表示对人类健康没有危险,受感染的牛没有进入食物链。 Authorities have stated there is no risk to human health, and the infected cow did not enter the food chain. 采取了预防性的行动限制措施,目前正在进行调查,以确定该疾病的来源。 Precautionary movement restrictions are in place, and investigations are ongoing to determine the origin of the disease. 该案例被描述为孤立的,与受污染的饲料没有联系。 The case is described as isolated and not linked to contaminated feed.