美国海军达到招募目标40 600人,但5 000名水手没有达到训练营目标。 US Navy reaches 40,600 recruitment goal but misses boot camp target for 5,000 sailors.
美国海军已经实现了招募目标,即通过新的招募方案,在9月前招募40 600名水手。 The US Navy has met its recruitment goal of signing up 40,600 sailors by September, thanks to new recruitment programs. 然而,最后一刻的应征人数激增意味着海军将无法达到目标,即在本财政年度结束前通过新兵训练营,导致短缺5 000名水手。 However, a surge in last-minute enlistments means the Navy will miss its target to get all these recruits through boot camp by the end of the fiscal year, resulting in a shortfall of 5,000 sailors. 这是因为近年来,所有军事部门都面临着在竞争性就业市场吸引新兵的挑战。 This comes as all military services have faced challenges in recent years to attract recruits in a competitive job market.