白宫国家安全顾问Jake Sullivan访问中国, 讨论美国的关切, 包括中国支持俄罗斯国防工业基地、南中国海及其他关键问题。 White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan visits China to discuss U.S. concerns, including China's support for Russia's defense industrial base, South China Sea, and other key issues.
白宫国家安全顾问Jake Sullivan打算自2016年起首次访问中国, White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan is set to visit China for the first time since 2016, meeting with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on August 27-29. 讨论内容将涵盖美国对中国支持俄罗斯国防工业基础、南中国海及其他各种关键问题的关切。 The discussions will cover U.S. concerns about China's support for Russia's defense industrial base, the South China Sea, and various other key issues. 拜登政府旨在防止美中关系进一步恶化,并重点关注主要关切领域,如芬太尼先质从中国流入美洲、军事对军事通讯以及中国共产党在印地安的侵略。 The Biden administration aims to prevent relations between the U.S. and China from deteriorating further and to focus on key areas of concern such as the flow of fentanyl precursors from China into the Americas, military-to-military communications, and Chinese communist aggression in the Indo-Pacific.