美国和中国官员在华盛顿举行会谈,讨论军事关系。 US and Chinese officials have held talks in Washington to discuss military-to-military relations.
五角大楼宣布,美国和中国官员举行会晤,讨论印太地区的军事交流和行动安全问题。 The Pentagon announced that US and Chinese officials met to discuss military-to-military communication and operational safety in the Indo-Pacific region. 美国负责中国事务的副助理国防部长迈克尔·蔡斯博士与中国中央军委国际军事合作办公室副主任宋彦超少将之间的会谈是在中国取消两年后举行的。 The talks, held between US Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for China Dr. Michael Chase and China's Deputy Director of the Central Military Commission Office for International Military Cooperation Maj. Gen. Song Yanchao, were held after two years of cancellations by China. 这些会议自 2005 年以来一直举行,被视为例行的年度讨论。 The meetings, which have been happening since 2005, are considered routine annual discussions.