根据俄勒冈卫生和科学大学的一项研究,无视睡眠信号的超重个人面临更大的健康风险。 Overweight individuals ignoring sleep signals face increased health risks, according to a study by Oregon Health & Science University.
俄勒冈健康与科学大学的一项研究显示, 忽视身体的睡眠信号会对超重人造成负面健康影响. A study by Oregon Health & Science University reveals negative health impacts in overweight individuals who disregard their body's sleep signals. 该研究发表在《临床内分泌学和代谢学杂志》上,发现睡眠中断可能导致男性的腹部脂肪、脂肪三甘酸酯和新陈代谢综合症风险分数增加,女性的整体身体脂肪百分比、葡萄糖和休眠心率增加。 The research, published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, found sleep disruption can lead to higher belly fat, fatty triglycerides, and metabolic syndrome risk scores in men, and increased overall body fat percentage, glucose, and resting heart rates in women. 这项研究强调良好睡眠习惯对超重个人的重要性,进一步研究将探讨睡眠模式改变的工人在性别上存在的睡眠模式差异。 The study emphasizes the importance of good sleep habits for overweight individuals, and further research will explore sex-specific sleep pattern differences in workers with altered sleep patterns.