美国家庭债务达到创纪录的 18.04 万亿美元,汽车贷款和信用卡拖欠率不断上升。 US household debt reaches record $18.04 trillion, with rising delinquency rates in auto loans and credit cards.
纽约联邦储备银行的报告显示,美国家庭债务在 2024 年第四季度达到创纪录的 18.04 万亿美元,增长 0.5%。 The Federal Reserve Bank of New York's report shows US household debt hit a record $18.04 trillion in Q4 2024, a 0.5% increase. 信用卡债务增加了 450 亿美元,达到 1.21 万亿美元,汽车贷款余额增加了 110 亿美元。 Credit card debt rose by $45 billion to $1.21 trillion, and auto loan balances increased by $11 billion. 汽车贷款和信用卡的拖欠率创下 14 年来的新高,表明财务压力。 Delinquency rates for auto loans and credit cards hit 14-year highs, indicating financial stress. 尽管收入水平不断提高,但跟踪债务支付占税后收入百分比的偿债比率继续增加,这表明经济中存在潜在的脆弱性。 Despite rising income levels, the debt service ratio, tracking debt payments as a percentage of after-tax income, continues to increase, suggesting potential vulnerabilities in the economy.