2名移民死亡,1人失踪,34人从西西里东海岸的一艘沉船中获救。 2 migrants died, 1 went missing, and 34 rescued from a sunken boat off Sicily's eastern coast.
2名移民死亡,另外1名移民在一艘载有移民的船只沉没后失踪,该船在意大利南部西西里岛东海岸附近沉没。 2 migrants died, and another went missing after a boat carrying migrants sank off the eastern coast of southern Italy's Sicily. 海岸警卫队收到一艘位于锡拉丘兹东南17英里处的船只发出的求救通知。 The Coast Guard received a distress call from the boat, located 17 miles southeast of Syracuse. 在获救的34人中,一人在抵达医院时死亡,另一人在到达医院后死亡。 Out of 34 people rescued, one died upon arrival and another after reaching the hospital. 寻找失踪人员的工作正在进行中。 The search for the missing person is ongoing.