纽约州克莱德市西杰纳西街的入室盗窃导致房主和入侵者受伤;两人都被送往医院,韦恩县警长办公室正在调查。 Home invasion on West Genesee Street, Clyde, NY, led to injuries for homeowner and intruder; both hospitalized, Wayne County Sheriff's Office investigating.
纽约州克莱德西吉恩西街的一次家庭入侵导致房主和携带金属管的入侵者受伤。 A home invasion on West Genesee Street, Clyde, NY, led to injuries for both the homeowner and the intruder armed with a metal pipe. 事件发生在8月4日,当时房主与嫌疑人对质,导致争吵。 The incident occurred on August 4, when the homeowner confronted the suspect, resulting in a fight. 两人都住院治疗,Wayne县治安官办公室正在调查。 Both were hospitalized for treatment, and Wayne County Sheriff's Office is investigating. 当局正在敦促任何有情报的人站出来。 Authorities are urging anyone with information to come forward. 所涉两名男性的状况仍然不清楚。 The conditions of the two males involved remain unclear.