自2020年以来,澳大利亚全国无家可归人数猛增22%,影响到更多就业个人和老年澳大利亚人。 Australia's homelessness surged 22% nationally since 2020, affecting more employed individuals and older Australians.
自2020年以来,澳大利亚的无家可归现象急剧上升,全国增长22%,新南威尔士州增长51%。 Homelessness in Australia has surged, with a 22% national increase and a 51% rise in New South Wales since 2020. 这场危机影响到更多的人,就业人员寻求无家可归服务的比例从11%上升到15.3%。 The crisis affects a wider range of people, with employed individuals seeking homelessness services rising from 11% to 15.3%. 澳大利亚老年人首当其冲,55-64岁老年人增加15%,65岁或65岁以上老年人增加31%。 Older Australians are particularly affected, with a 15% increase in those aged 55-64 and a 31% spike in those 65 or older. 自这一流行病发生以来,中位租金上涨了51%,对支助服务造成压力,使寻找住房更加困难。 Median rents have risen by 51% since the pandemic, putting pressure on support services and making it harder to find housing. 澳大利亚无家可归问题首席执行官Kate Colvin呼吁在预防无家可归方面增加资金和投资。 Homelessness Australia CEO Kate Colvin calls for increased funding and investment in homelessness prevention.