因饰演雷神而广为人知的克里斯·海姆斯沃斯与家人一起完成了北领地电影之旅,参观了他在布尔曼的童年故居。 Chris Hemsworth, known for playing Thor, completed a Northern Territory film tour with family, visiting places from his childhood in Bulman.
因出演雷神一角而广为人知的超级明星克里斯·海姆斯沃斯最近完成了北领地电影之旅,途经凯瑟琳、贝斯维克、巴伦加和他的故乡布尔曼。 Megastar Chris Hemsworth, known for his role as Thor, recently completed a Northern Territory film tour, including stops in Katherine, Beswick, Barunga, and his former hometown Bulman. 在父母克雷格和莱昂妮的陪同下,海姆斯沃斯一家参观了他们曾经居住过的地方、兄弟俩的学校,以及克雷格 35 年前曾经管理过的旧布尔曼商店。 Accompanied by his parents, Craig and Leonie, the Hemsworth family visited places they used to live, the brothers' school, and the old Bulman Store that Craig once managed 35 years ago. 整个布尔曼社区都庆祝这位演员的回归,克里斯表示他在偏远地区的成长经历对他的成长产生了重大影响。 The entire Bulman community celebrated the actor's return, with Chris describing his upbringing in the remote region as a formative influence.