快速食品链在生活成本危机中将促销量增加33%,以刺激需求。 Fast-food chains increase promotions by 33% amid cost of living crisis to stimulate demand.
在生活费用危机中,快餐连锁会增加促销交易。 Fast-food chains increase promotional deals amid cost of living crisis. 在危机期间,快餐经营者提高价格的速度比杂货连锁店更快,导致顾客选择更便宜的菜单或在家吃饭。 During the crisis, fast-food operators raise prices faster than grocery chains, leading customers to opt for cheaper menu items or eat at home. 作为回应,快餐公司利用促销刺激需求,导致2022年4月至6月的促销比去年同期增加33%。 In response, fast-food companies use promotions to stimulate demand, resulting in a 33% increase in promotions between April and June 2022 compared to the same period last year. 预计这一趋势将继续下去,直到消费者情绪改善和利率下降。 This trend is predicted to continue until consumer sentiment improves and interest rates decrease.