全球石油市场价格下跌,伦敦洲际交易所 (ICE) 和纽约商业交易所 (NYMEX) 的布伦特原油和轻质原油价格下跌。 Global oil market prices dropped, with Brent and Light crude decreasing on London ICE Futures and NYMEX.
国际石油市场价格下跌,伦敦ICE期货市场布伦特原油下跌1.24美元,至81.13美元,纽约商品交易所轻质原油下跌1.12美元,至77.16美元。 Global oil market prices have dropped, with Brent crude oil on London ICE Futures decreasing by $1.24 to $81.13, and Light crude oil on NYMEX falling by $1.12 to $77.16. 伦敦洲际交易所期货和纽约商品交易所油价均出现下跌。 The London InterContinental Exchange Futures and New York Mercantile Exchange have both seen a decline in oil prices.