高盛下调石油的地缘政治风险溢价,预计如果伊朗生产中断,布伦特原油价格将上涨 10-20 美元。 Goldman Sachs lowers geopolitical risk premium for oil, anticipates $10-$20 Brent price rise if Iranian production disrupted.
Goldman Sachs报告说,继最近布伦特原油价格波动之后,本周石油的地缘政治风险溢价略有下降。 Goldman Sachs reports a slight decrease in the geopolitical risk premium for oil this week, following recent volatility in Brent crude prices. 目前每桶77.72美元的价格为77.72美元,如果伊朗的生产中断,Brent可能会增加10-20美元,但如果避免中断,可能会稳定下来。 Currently priced at $77.72 per barrel, Brent could rise by $10-$20 if Iranian production is disrupted, though it may stabilize if disruptions are avoided. 期权市场显示,由于下个月供应严重中断,价格上涨 20 美元的可能性为 5%。 Options markets indicate a 5% chance of a $20 price increase due to significant interruptions in supply within the next month.