在以色列限制对伊朗的空袭之后,预计石油价格将下降,但暂时下降。 Oil prices projected to decline, but temporarily, after Israel's restrained airstrikes on Iran.
预计,在星期一,在以色列对伊朗进行限制的空袭之后,贸易恢复,避免破坏其石油和核基础设施之后,石油价格预计会下降。 Oil prices are projected to decline when trading resumes Monday, following Israel's restrained airstrikes on Iran, which avoided disrupting its oil and nuclear infrastructure. 这种缺乏重大损害的情况解决了市场的不确定性,预计会降低地缘政治风险溢价,布伦特原油有可能恢复到每桶74至75美元。 This lack of significant damage resolved market uncertainty and is expected to reduce the geopolitical risk premium, with Brent crude potentially returning to $74-$75 a barrel. 分析家认为,由于市场没有计入高额风险溢价,临时价格下跌可能是短命的。 Analysts suggest the temporary price dip may be short-lived as the market had not incorporated a large risk premium.