由于政府违反气候法,阿拉斯加联邦法院推翻了石油和天然气租赁销售。 Alaska federal court overturns oil & gas lease sale due to government violating climate law.
阿拉斯加州一家联邦法院推翻了拜登政府气候法授权的一项石油和天然气租赁销售,原因是政府在销售过程中违反了该法律。 A federal court in Alaska overturned an oil and gas lease sale, mandated by the Biden administration's climate law, due to the government violating the law during the sale. 该决定影响到 2022 年 12 月阿拉斯加湾北部库克湾近海区域的租赁销售,这对环保组织来说是一个胜利。 This decision affects a December 2022 lease sale of offshore tracts in the Cook Inlet, northern Gulf of Alaska, and is a victory for environmental groups.