最高法院驳回阿拉斯加对 EPA 圆石矿决定的质疑。 Supreme Court rejects taking up Alaska challenge to EPA’s Pebble Mine decision.
最高法院驳回了阿拉斯加州关于恢复被环境保护局阻止的铜金矿提议的提议。 The Supreme Court has rejected Alaska's bid to revive a proposed copper and gold mine that was blocked by the Environmental Protection Agency. 法官们没有评论驳回该州直接在高等法院起诉拜登政府的企图,因为拜登政府希望恢复该州布里斯托尔湾地区拟议的卵石矿项目。 The justices did not comment in turning away the state's attempt to sue the Biden administration directly in the high court over its desire to revive the proposed Pebble Mine in the state's Bristol Bay region. 一年前,美国环保署停止了该矿山提案,理由是担心对支持世界最大红鲑鱼渔业的丰富水生生态系统产生潜在影响。 A year ago, the EPA stopped the mine proposal, citing concerns with potential impacts on a rich aquatic ecosystem that supports the world's largest sockeye salmon fishery.