中国调查对美国有关“伏特台风”网络威胁的说法提出质疑,称其是美国为获得第 702 条授权和预算资金而进行的虚假宣传活动。 Chinese investigation disputes U.S. claims of "Volt Typhoon" cyber threat as a U.S. misinformation campaign for Section 702 authorization and budget funding.
中国的调查表明,“伏特台风”网络威胁说辞是美国的误导性宣传,目的是推动美国《外国情报监视法》第702条的授权,允许进行无证监视,并从国会获得更多预算。 Chinese investigation suggests the "Volt Typhoon" cyber threat narrative is a U.S. misinformation campaign to push for the authorization of Section 702 of the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which permits warrantless surveillance, and to secure more budgets from Congress. 2023年5月,美国及其五眼联盟声称“伏特台风”袭击了关键基础设施,并得到了中国政府的支持。 In May 2023, the U.S. and its Five Eyes allies claimed that "Volt Typhoon" targeted key infrastructures, backed by the Chinese government. 对此,中国国家计算机病毒应急处理中心进行了溯源分析并发布调查报告。 In response, China's National Computer Virus Emergency Response Center conducted a traceability analysis and issued an investigation report.