美国总统拜登延长《外国情报监视法》第702条款,将对非美国人的无证监视延长两年。 US President Biden renewed Section 702 of FISA, extending warrantless surveillance on non-Americans for two years.
美国总统乔·拜登延长《外国情报监视法》(FISA)第702条,将无需授权监视和收集包括欧洲人在内的非美国人的数据的授权延长两年。 US President Joe Biden renewed Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), extending the authorisation to monitor & collect data from non-Americans, including Europeans, without warrants for two more years. 该条款于2008年出台,使美国国家安全局的国际大规模监视计划“棱镜计划”合法化。 This section, introduced in 2008, legalised the NSA's international mass surveillance program PRISM. 微软、亚马逊和谷歌等美国科技公司必须在未经法官命令的情况下提供非美国用户账户的访问权限。 US tech companies like Microsoft, Amazon, and Google must provide access to non-American users' accounts without a judge order.