中国外交官驳斥美国有关网络攻击的指控, 指责美国媒体有偏见。 Chinese diplomats refute U.S. claims of cyberattacks, accusing U.S. media of bias.
中国外交官否认美国有关网络攻击的指控,声称他们缺乏证据。 Chinese diplomats deny U.S. allegations of cyberattacks, stating they lack evidence. 美国指控一个称为“盐台风”的中国团体拦截美国政治人物的电话, 但中国专家认为美国媒体揭露美国间谍活动, The U.S. accuses a Chinese group called "Salt Typhoon" of intercepting calls of U.S. political figures, but Chinese experts argue U.S. media falsely links China to these attacks while exposing U.S. espionage activities. 中国外交部呼吁美国停止使用网络安全问题来污蔑中国。 The Chinese Foreign Ministry calls on the U.S. to stop using cybersecurity issues to smear China.